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Pregnancy Fitness Cardio Core DVD
The best DVD for Exercises and cardio for Maternity!

 Pregnancy Fitness Cardio Core DVD

Product Description DVD. This product for pregnancy, Cardio and Core is designed for beginners and those who are intimidated by complex workouts. The Cardio exercise is basic low-impact aerobics for energy and general health; Core abdominal exercises for strength to help delivery & recovery (designed for 2nd & third trimesters)!

Before, during and after pregnancy, you need to stay moving and strengthen your muscles! This workout, and others in the Pregnancy Fitness Series, help your energy and strength levels to aid delivery and recovery!

Best of all... This workout gives you a healthy start on regaining your shape after pregnancy!

note: Regular exercisers may find this workout a bit easy. Look for the Cardio Tone workout for advanced pre/post natal fitness and total body tone.
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